Friday, March 20, 2009


Took an iPod class last night. The information sent out before the class specifically said "bring an empty iPod". So DH & I dutifully wiped out our iPods and put them back to factory default. Got to the class, told the instructor we were all set with empty machines and he said "WHY did you do that?". Duh, 'cause we read the pre-class instructions and that is what they said to do.
No problem, right? iTunes saved everything when it made the back up... please tell me that's true...
Well... not quite. When we got home I fired up iTunes and synced my pod. Got all my songs and books back on. What I didn't get (immediately) was Internet and email. Got that figured out but wait, there's more. Where are my contacts? Where is my calendar? Where are my GAMES?!!
I figure I have to do something with Microsoft Outlook to get the contacts and the calendar back. If I can't figure it out in the morning I'll call tech support.
But my GAMES!!! I downloaded just a few freebies - Sudoku, solitaire, peg jump and a word game. Now I have to figure out where they are on iTunes so I can load them again. I know I can do this because last night I wanted to order one of them and the "Great Computer in the Sky" said I already had that one. So they are out there somewhere.
Aren't computers fun?

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