Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Last month, Uma moved out of her apartment with Donald (a rocky five year relationship), and into a shared apartment with a lady who needs 24 hour supervision. The doctor wanted Uma to have more supervision because of her neglect of her diabetes. I thought things were going well but received a call that they would be moving Uma yet again this month because she was "too loud" for her roommate. I just found out today where she moved. Went over there and am not at all pleased with the situation. She is in a four bedroom apartment with three adult severely disabled men. That's right MEN! I'm afraid I was not very happy in front of the residents there (tho I did try not to show my displeasure, I'm sure some of them picked up on it). I went to the main office (where the case managers hold court) and really vented (in a dignified manner) my displeasure and disapproval of the living situation. After all, a woman living with three men is bad enough but the level of disability was not something Uma should have to live with.
With Thanksgiving tomorrow, and no one in the office until Monday, nothing is going to happen very soon. But on a better note I have the Department of Disabilities Case Manager on my side. She will be meeting with us on Tuesday. (Sparks were in her eyes this morning when she found out.)
Oh, dealing with adult children is nothing compared to dealing with the bureaucracy of those caring for needy adult children.
On a brighter note, I'll be fixing the bird for Uma, Jhary and Ty Don't know if Trai will be here but there will be plenty if he shows up. This year will be a bit more challenging as we are watching our carbs in compliance with Jerry's dietary needs.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I love Sox

I posted some time ago about my earring collection. I have been collecting earrings since I had my ears pierced when in junior high school. They mostly are of sentimental value.
That is what my Sox collection is. It really pains me when a pair must be discarded due to wear.
As I was putting away the Halloween Sox and getting out the Christmas ones I decided to count them. Ready?
Valentines, 5 pair
St. Patrick's, 3 pair
Easter, 3 pair
July 4th, 3 pair
Halloween, 8 pair
Thanksgiving, 1 pair (I really should look for some more as this pair is rather ratty)
Christmas, (don't gasp) 20 pair
Then I categorized the rest (not including nylons)
Cats, 12 pair
Arizona, 2 pair
Hawaii, 2 pair
Red Hat, 3 pair
Monkeys, 4 pair
Black, 2 pair
White, 3 pair
Misc animals (snails, dogs, moose, bear - you get the idea) 12 pair
Misc other 2 pair
Doing the math = 85 pair.
I really love sox. They are functional and people are looking to see what I have on next. So if you are one of my Sox Gifters, don't stop just because I have so many. Some are ready to be retired and I will feel better doing that with a new pair to replace them.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Happy Day

Yesterday the turkeys returned. If you remember, last year about this time a few wild turkeys came up over the bank of the river and foraged for a couple of days then left. We only saw them a couple of times more. All summer Jerry has been wondering about them. Their Back! with a vengeance. We counted 15 birds. Jerry thought they were all females but I allowed there were several males in the flock. Colors for winter are drab even on males but the males do still have a distinctive feather pattern. Didn't take pictures cause I figured you see one turkey you've pretty much seen them all (besides, I didn't have my camera with me when we drove by them).
Hooray for our new president!!!