Sunday, February 24, 2008

Paula Poundstone

Went to see Paula Poundstone on Friday. She is one funny lady.

The event was held at the Fox theatre (now named The Martin Woldson Theater). This poor building was once the "best" theatre in town. It slowly went down hill and was divided into a multiplex. I never went there when it was in such a state. The owners were going to turn it into a parking lot until the money in town (with a lot of little people's money) purchased it, refurbished it and now it is the home of the Symphony. It is really lovely.

On the way in to town Paula saw a sign saying "Inland Northwest". She mused that we need to be reminded where we live. lots of laghs (Lol). She talked to a lady in the audience who is a union rep here in Spokane but has a secretary in Auburn, WA. See, we can't even unify in Washington state, how can we hope to unify the nation? Lol. Viagra - Lol. Kids - Lol. Memory - Lol. Just thinking about her routine yesterday got me grinning. What a wonderful gift she has.

Her book was being sold before the show, so I bought one. Proceeds from this sale go to the Spokane Library.

After her two hour stand up performance she came out into the lobby and signed my copy (as well as the copies of lots of other people). She was most gracious and bantered with the people as she was signing. All in all a very fun evening.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Caucus day

Went to the democratic caucus for my district today. Lest you fear I am becoming political, don't. Both Republican and Democratic caucuses were held today. Here in WA we spend $$$ sending out ballots to every registered voter. We all know that when you get a mail in ballot you mark it and send it back before the "Election Day", right? And those votes means something, right? Not in Washington.
If you marked Republican on your ballot, 50% of the delegates chosen today will be voting at the next level using the Feb 19th results. Today 50% of the delegates will be assigned by the caucus vote. (Hmm Seems to me that if I were a Republican, I could vote twice - once in the primary, once in the caucus.)
The Democrats on the other hand will choose all their delegates and assign the candidates today. The primary means nothing. My ballot is just going to get tossed after they see that I voted Democratis. That's why I went to the caucus today.
So why the ??? do we taxpayers need to spend all that money on a Primary? Because the legistature says it is more fair. What????
By the by. The 10 delegates from our precinct will be divided 4 for Hillary and 6 for Obama (Yeah).

Saturday, February 02, 2008

My Wonderful Subaru

Last night, in order to avoid the slow down on 29th, I took a side street that would get me to SE Blvd. It was HORRID. But my little Subaru made it to the queue at SE Blvd. and we waited ...... The first car trying to get out needed two strong backs (not mine) to get going. Next up was a Suburban. He had trouble negotiating the slippery, rutty corner - fish tailed all over the place. Then a small Ford decided not even to try and turned around. It's passenger advised me of the conditions of the street and urged me to turn around also. I said, "Well, let's see how a Subaru handles it" and promptly "walked" my little car right up the incline and around the corner like there was no problem. Yeah! Subaru!!!
Then, we get down to the street in front of Office Depot. I see the light is red a half block away from the corner and start to apply the brakes. The street is a sheet of bumpy ice. The brakes do that clackity thing but slow the car to a stop right at the corner. I didn't even enter the intersection. What a car!.