Monday, January 28, 2008

Snow Day

We have been slammed by Old Man Winter. It started snowing Saturday around noon and didn't stop until Sunday at 4 pm. Today is a "snow day" for all the schools in the area. The sky is a beautiful blue. The streets are getting plowed (some of the parking lots are horrid). Tomorrow we will get another small storm, Wednesday would be a quiet day and then Thursday another big one with a projected 12 more inches. I have a quilt to work on so I'm happy.
We have had nearly 50" of snow this season. 13.5" fell within the last 24 hours. Beat the record set in 1956(?). check out for pictures etc.
Started Jessica's quilt. Have two blocks finished. I think I only have 25 to 30 (lol) more to go. I'll have to look that up.
Stayed in all day yesterday. Didn't go to church, didn't go to sewing group. Didn't go shopping for food. Uma, however, was out and about on the bus.
Today was Swimming (only 4 of our group of 15 showed up), Line Dancing was canceled, as was a meeting at Uma's to discuss her moving into an assisted living (24 hour tenant support) facility without Donald. This should be interesting.
Got some groceries purchased today in anticipation of the coming week. Hope I can get to sewing class tomorrow.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

January 17th already?

Been keeping busy, but with what? Once the Christmas break was over the feet hit the floor running. Swimming, Sewing class, Singing, Line Dancing, Volunteering in Malita's classroom on Friday's, UMW meetings, church etc. etc. etc. Well it keeps me out of the bars as my Mother used to say.
Off to AZ tomorrow for the weekend. Maybe I'll get to go to one of the fabric stores down there and have sensory overload.

Friday, January 04, 2008

It's finally happened

The holidays were tough on my wardrobe. All my jeans seem to have shrunk in the waist. So I sucombed to the ultimate of growing older -- I purchased jeans with an elastisized waist. I must face facts. I'm turning into an old lady.
Happy New Year!