Sunday, March 30, 2008

Crazy weather day

All morning we had snow. As I was coming home from church there were great, large, fluffy flakes.

Still snowing as I went in to watch a play at 2 PM. Came out of the theatre with streets drying, puddles here and there, very little snow built up. What can you expect with 45 degrees?

March came in like a lamb and is really going out like a lion.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


While living in Hawaii when the kids were little, our family socialized often with Ike & Dot. When funds were short, we would pool our pantries and potluck some pretty fantastic meals. One in particular was Corned Beef & cabbage that Dot would whip up with a moment's notice. I thought I could remember what she did so tried it tonight. Disaster. It was tasteless. So, if anyone out there has a tasty way of fixing this dish please let me know. Husband left the table and fixed himself a bowl of oatmeal. I feel so bad for him.
We must have had 3 inches of snow last night. With 40 degrees today it didn't last long. Spring where are you?

Friday, March 28, 2008

Turkey Friday

For the past several months (since November actually) we have been on the lookout for the turkeys that came foraging in our back yard. On a daily basis we are looking out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. Nothing. A lady at the democratic caucus told me that her neighbor was feeding them through the winter, so we breathed a sigh but still watched and waited.
Today, as I was about to turn into our driveway, I spied what I thought might be a lone hen trying to cross the road some two blocks away. I did a quick straighten up and cautiously drove down Pettet drive. She of course, being skiddish around traffic, scooted back into the brush. I passed the area I thought I had seen her disappear at and turned back around. Sure enough, there she was. Sure made Jerry's day. We are glad to see the wild life has survived the harsh winter here and glad it is only a turkey and not a moose.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Touch is here

I'm having fun with my new touch. All the work I did to put my contacts and calendar on my PC so it could sync with my iPod Classic do not seem to be carried forward to the Touch. I'll have to read some more or ask the Geek who is coming tomorrow to assist Jerry with his new Mac. In the mean time all my songs and books are on my Touch. I have wiped the Classic clean and am loading one of Jerry's Bibles on as we speak. He is really trying to enter the 21st century.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Must be getting close to spring. Saw our first Marmot out sunning itself yesterday.

Tomorrow Fed Ex should be delivering my new iPod Touch. I can hardly wait.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Busy week

As you can see from the previous post, it took me one week to finally post what happened last Sunday. This week has flown by. I remarked at my Monday evening meeting that I needed to go back to work just so I could have some down time. But I guess I needn't complain - the alternative to being busy is being sick or dead.

On Thursday the Minstrels (the small group of singers I'm in) went to a local nursing facility to sing for our director who is recovering from pace maker implant and diabetic regulation problems. He looked so frail. It broke my heart. He didn't have any energy and was wiping his eyes frequently. About half way through the concert we asked him if he had a song he wanted us to sing and he started calling them out, directing and singing with us. My tears were flowing steadily. Have you ever tried to hit a high F while crying? Can't be done. I was down for the rest of the day. Woke this morning feeling hung over. We all hope he can come back and lead the group but after seeing him yesterday I have my doubts.

Sydney is on a swim team. We went to see her meet tonight. She came in first in the backstroke event. She is the best on her team (that is not saying a lot) in her age group. I think she only joined the team because two of her friends were on the team. Hope she keeps up with swimming. She is quite a little competitor.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Three sisters

When was the last time all three of us were in the same place, all gussied up, with cameras available? Just so happened at Sara's wedding last Sunday.

The wedding was delightful. Small, family only. Just enough tradition to be very memorable. The bride was lovely and the groom was handsome. What more do you want?

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Chiropractic exam

Having continuing problems with my back. I mostly attribute it to stress like sewing, or hunching over the computer. I try to be back healty by staying active, doing water aerobics and yoga. But I thought I'd give Chiropractics a try to see if the kinks in my upper back could be worked out.
The exam consisted of several spinal x-rays. The results were quite interesting. The best one being that the film of my neck showed the C3&4 and C5&6 are fused together. When/How that happened is a mystery. But there is nothing to do about that now since I have not lost any function in my hands.