Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Piggy Year

To all my little grand-dragons, be on the lookout for a Piggy Year envelope.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Piggy Year

The Chinese Community of Spokane put on a culture event today at the community college. Jhary and I went.

The littly kids in their red outfits were adorable.

I liked this kids "Pake" hair.

They didn't have a Dragon. Instead they had the people dance around. We were both disappointed.
Kun He Fat Choi!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Went to the church today for my weekly little sewing group. All by myself for about 10 minutes, then the church secretary comes in and wants to know if I can help her on Excell. She has taken a couple of classes but can't find in her book how to .... So off I go to fix her layout problem.
As I'm leaving the office a volunteer from Rogers High School's drama department comes in and wants to run some costume designs by me to see if I can work on them with her. They are putting on "Through the Loooking Glass" on March 28th and she needs 50 costumes. Things like a mouse in a raft, Caterpiller on a toad stool, The Queen of Hearts, a Turtle. Quite elaborate things.
As we are discussing designs (the kids are responsible to see that their costumes are made - she just helps them get their act together), in walks the widower of the former Sewing Room Queen. He has had his daughters pack up all the wife's things and wants to know where he can put over 30 boxes of stuff - probably over half is sewing stuff. He has no idea which box contains what. That will be fun to sort through. Anything we can't use in the sewing room will go into our rummage sale. He will just have to stack it in the corner. ( lol )
Then a lady from the Women's Hearth (a drop in center for the down town women - some mentally ill, some developmentally delayed, some just plain poor) came in with three pairs of pants that she needed hemmed. "Go try them on so we can see where to cut them off", and back to the costume designs.
Between pinning the pants and talking to the costume lady, in walks one of the regulars (normal woman) with her little boy. She starts setting up and getting her son settled in on his little projects.
Lastly my skitzoid lady comes in. She wants to cut a sweatshirt down the middle and put a facing down either side of the front. I cut the sweatshirt. Showed her how to pin the fabric and set up the sewing machine for her. She was lost - couldn't figure out how to operate the machine at all. Mind you, she has been in the room several times before and has on occasion sewn, albeit with a lot of help from me.
By this time I really had my hands full. The costume lady took the skitzoid lady under her arm and fixed the sweatshirt just the way she wanted it (Thank you Costume lady!!) and she left.
Time was running out so I finished up two of the three pairs of pants for the first lady. But I had to bring the third pair home (it is a pair of lined pants and I do want them to look good for her - but finding the time in the next two days.....).
Didn't get a whole lot of my project done. But I guess that's not what I'm there for. Sure made the day go quickly.

Sunday, February 11, 2007


OK. I get it. Increasing "Her Deductible" does not mean increase Her insurance. I still think it is a poor advertisement.

This morning we had a new visitor to the bird feeder. It appears to be a hawk of some sort. Closest I can figure it is a Cooper's Hawk. Wish I could have gotten a better picture of it.

Friday, February 09, 2007

What do you think?

This is billboard is situated on a much traveled (by me) street here is Spokane. I was irrate when I saw it yesterday. Had to remember to bring my camera today to take a picture.
What lamebrained advertising exec. could possibly think that this was in good taste? Why should females need more collision insurance? Aren't the rates for male drivers higher because they are a greater risk?
Guess we are still in 1950 here in Spokane.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I know you are in there

As you can see, I finally found the pictures I have been taking and that were hid on my new computer. I've moved everything to areas where I can find them readily.

This is not my cat.

We have been feeding the birds all winter. Side bar to that is that we now have a cat that is feeding off the mice that are feeding off the seeds the birds drop. Isn't nature wonderful.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Took some pitures with my new camera. Figured out how to get them on my computer. Can't find them when I want to post them to this Blog. Drat! Guess I'll have to read the instruction manual. I hate that. Mainly because manuals never tell you exactly how to do what you are trying to do.