Sunday, June 24, 2007

I WON !!

Sent out a ballot to all the condo residents requesting "permission" to lay out a drip watering system, remember? The votes are in 10 residents are on my side. The two who were against me are the dude who complained in the first place and his good buddy who doesn't vote but lets "dude" vote for him.

Tomorrow I will call the installer and reschedule.

Jhary's last day at her job was a week ago Friday. She is getting very bored. Time to start looking for another job. I doubt she will get one as good as the one she left.

Uma may get a job at Sacred Heart Hospital in the kitchen. She will interview some time this week. If she doesn't get this one the job developer says she will develop one for her. It would be great if she could get some extra cash and have something meaningful to do.

Took Tyrone out for dinner for his birthday. The meds he is on help his ability to sort things out but he still has a great imagination and confuses reality with fantasy - and they have caused weight gain. Too bad. He was such an athlete and so much fun. Maybe he will improve to the point of being able to hold down a job of some sort. Way in the future.

Busy week upcoming. I like those. It keeps me off the streets.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ugly Swim suit

Truly ugly suits on such gorgeous bathing beauties.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Got that off my chest

The ladies in the pool where I do my water aerobics decided to celebrate the end of spring with an "Ugly Swim Suit" contest today. The only rules were 1. you must wear two suits (so we could tell who was entered in the contest) and 2. one suit must be worn inside out. Most of the suits were really thin and faded. A couple of them had linings that were in tatters. Mine wasn't in that bad of shape (yet) so I took a clue from a dress I saw in a thrift shop (Did I tell you about this dress? Floor length, lined, beautiful workmanship with floor length lined coat to match out of 3" squares of double knit. My reaction when I saw it was "Why?").
In the stash at the church were tons of 1.5" squares of double knit. I stitched those puppies together four to six across and made a pass from the neck line in the front to the back neck line. I secured it at front and back neck and at the leg openings with a quick slip stitch and then secured the rest with really ugly buttons. I will take a picture of it later (it is on display now) and post it as an edit. Have no idea if I won but it was fun doing it and very uncomfortable to wear over my good swim suit.


I've been very successful wearing my Complaint Free World bracelet since June 5th on the same wrist. That's 21 days. That is a "habit broken".
THEN - I decide to install a little sprinkling system (the Drip watering kind that runs off a hose connection) in my back yard to keep my plants watered while we take off for a day or two. Called around, got a guy to come out and take a look. Easy job, he said he'd run over to the store and pick up the stuff he needs and would be back in an hour. On the way to his truck my upstairs neighbor stops him and asks what he is doing here. I then get a knock on my door with a very intimidated service person and an overly irate neighbor. Seems he thinks I need Condo residents to vote on whether or not I can attach a drip system to my hose bib. *&^%$
It is just like a hose. It is portable. It is removable. It is not an in the ground, dig trenches with a large back hoe type of installation. AND it saves on water. What the...... So I called the president of the association - she's on my side. I looked up the condo declarations and found the item that says (I think) that I should be able to do this. But just to be on the safe side (and since Mr. Congeniality insisted) I typed up a ballot and asked the residents to weigh in on the subject. Had to cancel the installation. Will certainly be able to call him back and have him continue with it but I really have been in a Complaining space all day because of it.
I don't care. The bracelet comes off today anyway.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Complaint Free World

Oprah had some dude (the Rev. Will Bowen ) on talking about how he introduced an idea to his congregation. He claims that most complaining is from habit and that any habit can be broken in thirty days. He passed out purple bracelets to his congregation with the instructions - put it on either wrist. When you complain, switch wrists. When the bracelet stays on one wrist for 30 days consider yourself "complaint free".
Well, I emailed him and got a bag full of bracelets. I'm passing them out to any takers. (mainly in my circles). I've been wearing mine for a week. The first two days it switched quite a bit but it now has been on one wrist for 5 days. Jerry says that he does not consider me a complainer anyway, so this should be an easy exercise.

On another vein, Robin sent me her pattern for grocery shopping bags ( and I have whipped out 33 bags and have sold 13 of them. I am not keeping any of the money since I am making them for our church bazaar. Sure would like to get most of them sold before the November Bazaar because as I was looking through the "Bazaar Stuff" on Thursday, I saw a whole lot of things that I have sewn that has not been purchased. Would hate to have these bags join that lot. (that is not a complaint only an observation.)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

What phase of the moon is this?

Yesterday I attended a scheduled meeting for Uma's team. Problem? Uma didn't show. Six people waited in her apartment for an hour for her. Seems she had been there just 5 minutes before I arrived but was upset about one of their friends, talked to the manager about it and he told her to take a walk to cool off. She did. Didn't come back until 10 minutes after the meeting disassembled. We rescheduled for two weeks out. These meetings are State mandated and a royal.....
Jerry & I went out to dinner (I was too mad at her to cook).
When we got home his daughter called and said "Why is Jhary in Sacred Heart ER?" Dang if I know. She was brought in by the police. She wasn't talking. I talked to her on the phone and figured out it had something to do with dinner plans. I called her residence. Mind you, she had been at Sacred Heart for at least 30 minutes probably more and I, as the legal guardian, had not been called by her care providers. The only reason I had found out is because Carrie, working her one day at the hospital, recognised her and called me. I tried to be calm and rational and found out that indeed Jhary had flipped out when she was told there was not enough staff to take her out for Chinese. Their solution to the problem was to call the police and ship her off to the hospital without any staff/explanation. Oh, staff was going to call me in a little while. I asked her to please call the hospital and fill the nurse in on what went on.
Jerry & I took off for the hospital. Half an hour later the nurse comes in and says she had just received a call from Jhary's staff person. (The time lags here are numbingly long). The nurse told the care giver that they really need a different solution to clients outbursts than sending them to the ER. AMEN! We took Jhary from the hospital to get a bite to eat (not Chinese) and them home. She apologized to staff (one accepted graciously, the other acted like a petulant 8 year old and kept complaining about how she was treated by Jhary in this whole event. If she doesn't want to deal with developmentally delayed people and their occasional melt downs she should get out of the business.)
To top off this child centered afternoon/evening, Bob Jr. called. He is back in town. Bought a house on 32nd and Ray. Wants to know how the kids are doing. Wants to be all lovey and "family". Gag me with a spoon. I really do not have any interest in firing up a relationship with him. I'm happy with the people I have in my life and don't really need his problems. I'll tell the kids he is here and let them go from there.
Got my "Complaint Free America" bracelets in the mail. Will hand them out to my women's group this month. Does the above post qualify as a complaint? Guess I had better change arms.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

And another thing

Yesterday I went to a sewing demonstration about travel cloths and hidden pockets in the garments presented by the American Sewers Guild. The speaker was hawking her pattern making company. She makes and sells patterns with multiple hidden pockets ( Each pattern is multi sized. I bought 4. Have no idea when I'll get around to making them - hopefully before Israel.
Joined the guild. I have no idea what I will be doing in this group. Seems they are just getting going in this area. They were organizing the Spokane Chapter and needed 15 people to join so they could send in the paperwork. They talked about monthly neighborhood gatherings where women got together and discussed what they were sewing etc., sounded like Robin's Quilting Guild (I tried to join a quilting guild here in Spokane but my inquiries were never returned).

June already

My how the time flies.
Did the colonoscopy thing. Jerry had to deliver girls to school at the very time I was due to be examined. They wouldn't start on me until he showed up (as my designated driver) no matter how much I told them that he would be there for me when he finished. Almost had to cancel. That would have been a bummer since I had gone through the liquids only thing and the clinically induced diarrhea. Everything worked out OK. He arrived after my appointment time but they took me back anyway, (because they had had a cancellation), they did their thing and I checked out just fine. I didn't remember a thing from the injection of the third drug to a nurse saying "wake up, Leonna. Keep your eyes open". And then Jerry was escorting me out of the office. I evidently dressed myself and signed my discharge papers (I have a copy of that with my signature on it). I am truly boggled at that - not remembering anything. Came home and slept for about four more hours. Couldn't go to yoga, drug myself through dinner (at Wendy's) and begged off on going up to Carrie's that evening. Next morning I was bright eyed and bushy tailed and off to swimming as usual.

My baby ginkgo trees are not faring well. First we had a hail storm that beat on them then the direct sun that is scorching them and then my neglectfulness about keeping them moist. If they make it through the summer .... The one from last year is doing great.

All my planting is done. Want to get a drip system installed so we can leave for a couple of days if desired and come back to healthy plants.