Here I am at Arbel. This is the southern end of the fertile plain of Ginnosar. I believe this was the day after I sprained my ankle so did not go to the farthest lookout point with the group. 

Then there was the camel ride in Petra. Notice the red hat. Picked that up in Jerusalem. It is a grand hat. My hair refused to behave the whole trip and my curling iron only worked when it wanted to and only for short periods of time. 
The camels seem to always have a second beast roped to them. Maybe a youngster learning the ropes. As I was positioning Antuco on my camel after the ride, the second camel became very curious. I told him(?) not to bite Antuco and he looked at me and started to snuffle my face. Really a very sweet camel, soft mussel. Neither one spit or grumbled at me as had been noticed at other camel stops. I had walked down the road way another mile or so past the treasury when I decided I had seen enough and hired the camel to bring me back up. Just as I arrived in the Treasury yard, a large group of tourists stood right in front of Jerry so he didn't get to see my triumphant entrance. That is Jerry, sitting on the end of the bench, with the vest and purple shirt on. I took this from the porch of the Treasury.

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