These are Soldiers in Bethlehem. They are smiling because the young girls in our group had just taken pictures with them leaving them in a good mood.

This Tourist Police officer could barely keep from laughing at the idea of a monkey wanting his picture. I promised I wouldn't show his superiors.

I liked the costume of this guard. He was inside the Treasury at Petra. Good smile.
The most diligent of guards was Gila, our guide. Tough as nails when it came to keeping track of her charges. Borne in the US, she emigrated to Israel as a very young woman and lived on a Kibbutz for a number of years. Now she is a certified guide and very up on her history of the region (both old and new Testament).

So, if you got a chance to get into the minds of a few locals while there, what did you come away with, with respect to the turmoil in that part of the world?
We were not available to the locals (other than Jerry's conversations with the bus driver). The "Wall of Separation" was glossed over very quickly as we crossed into Bethlahem. I felt it safer to not say anything than to start something that would wind me up in jail or worse.
Leonna, your monkey is photogenic (and could probably do a better job negotiating an Israeli / Palestinian settlement than our Pres. / state dept, given the way he charmed the security guards!).
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