Tuesday, April 25, 2006

We're getting there

The vinyl is all in and the trap door looks great. The grid work for the ceiling is finished. I purchased new light fixtures today and will get rid of the ceiling fan that was in the bedroom. So, the electrician finishes up. The ceiling guy follows him. And then the sewing room gets put together. And finally the carpet gets laid. By the second week of May we should be calling the movers to haul down the bed and dressers etc. And I'm looking at what to do with the back yard.
Went to the doctor yesterday for my annual physical. I had had my blood work done so she could review it with me. ALL the numbers are within the normal range. Hooray!! My cholesterol is 190; Triglicerides are 90; and HDL is 57. With these three numbers so good the fact that the LDL is 115 does not bother her (should be below 100). So, all in all I'm feeling pretty good.

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