I have a great cat. This morning she caught her second bird. Mind you this is not a great feat for a normal, outside cat. But Polly is basically an inside cat. She goes outside only when I am with her - well, that's not really true. Since she has not demonstrated any interest or ability to jump higher than onto the sofa, I feel she can be trusted outside for short periods of time on her own.
Anyway, her first catch was when we lived upstairs and she had gone out on the deck for a bit of fresh air. Soon she came in with a little bird in her mouth. I made her release the bird, which promptly flew (much to the delight of the other two cats) helter skelter through my apartment. I finally cornered it and was able to release it unharmed into it's own environment. That was probably in the spring of 2000 making her about 20 months old. She was more agile then.
This morning - 8 years after the first catch - she came in with another little brown bird. And again I cornered it and released it outside. This time the poor little bird just sat in my hand like it was in shock. Took it a minute or two to wake up and fly off. What a cat.
More good news - Brian has purchased a Shipping World store in Sun City. This is his first day and he has quite a learning curve ahead of him but I am sure he will make a go of it. Now he is not in danger of getting laid off due to the whim of the boss.
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