Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day

Item #1. Sue gave me a puzzle for Christmas with eleven cats dressed up in red hats and other finery. I started it last night and have only completed the bottom two or so rows and some of the sides. Should I finish it soon, I'll take a picture of it and post it.
Item #2. Heard that they now advocate getting an immunization for Shingles. Having never had chicken pox (tho exposed to them when all three kids were growing up), I still opted to get one. Because I have such great insurance the shot cost me nothing (insurance picked it all up) and Jerry only had to pay $28, Medicare picked up the rest. Guess the shots are going for $200 a stab.
Item #3. Went to see "Enchanted" yesterday with Jhary. I want that movie. It is soooo cute.
Item #4. My granddaughter announced her engagement to be married. She is thrilled. The plan is to wait a couple of years before the actual ceremony. We shall see.

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