Why is it, when you look ahead on a week, you don't see how rough it is really going to be? I mean you see Christmas party here, a Minstrels performance there and think, "piece of cake". Then...
Saturday was our Red Hat gathering. No big deal just shoots the middle out of a Saturday. And you have so much fun you don't want to do much else the rest of the day.
Sunday was church and the Soup luncheon we serve to celebrate Jesus' birthday. I had to be there early to help set up and stay after to help clean. Then Sydney needed to be picked up from her father's because the pillows she wanted to make were still in the "yardage purchased but nothing else done" stage. Brought her home, cut out six heart shaped pillows out of that fuzzy stuff that gets all over the place and helped her sew (actually she did the sewing, I just pinned) them together.
Monday I cut out dresses for Jhary and Uma (standing on my feet bending over the dining room table) and then went down to the church to set up for our annual clothing give-a-way to the poor who frequent our Shalom Ministry dinners. Again on my feet, this time for two three hour stretches with only a 30 minute sit time in between.
Tuesday was my regular day for the "Come Sew with Me" group at the church. I had to leave an hour early to attend a performance at a nursing home with the Minstrels. I could not stay standing for the entire show as I am usually able to do.
Wednesday I had a breakfast with the Minstrels to celebrate Christmas. Then spent the rest of the day sewing to finish Jhary's dress. It is beautiful but probably should be let out just a tad in the waist. Uma hasn't been here to try hers on yet and she now tells me she wants a black and red dress (not the green plaid she brought over for me to sew).
Thursday the little girls came over. Sydney wanted to make two quilts for her mother's friends. She had them all cut out - was just a bit off on how to put them together (was making the frame before she had the center done). The quilts are really just lap robes with 9 eight inch squares and two inch sashing. We got them done, tho and her mother was thrilled. (Again, Syd sewed, I pinned). We took them home and then off to Jhary's Christmas party. She looked great in her new dress.
Friday - today - we spent at the Mall with the two other grand kids. Josh wanted shoes for Christmas. (This boy is much too serious. For his birthday he wanted a sweatshirt.) Haili wanted a Build-a-Bear and cloths for it. My feet are tired.
Gosh! It looks like Saturday and Sunday are empty. Don't count on it. I'm sure we will find something to stuff in there.