We have been attending the adult class in this year's VBS, Walking the Bible. Very interesting PBS offering in three easy to watch sessions. The churches combined this year to put on the VBS for the kids; splitting duties (song leaders, story tellers, snack preparers, and local) between the churches - one night per church. Since our church has no children, there was really no participation on the children's level, but we were still responsible for providing snacks last night. No committee formed, only a pastor who inquired, after the Monday night session, if I knew anything about what was being planned. That should have clued me in to the fact that "nothing" had been planned. I let it slide Tuesday, and on Wednesday called a couple of the other adult participants to see if they knew anything about it. I'm getting a bit panicky now, as the other churches have put on quite a spread and I know that these things take a bit of planning and shopping and work. I opt to dash off to the store and get some juice and a couple of melons hoping that others will bring some crackers or something. My mood darkens as the day progresses (helped by the duties of driving grandchildren to and from summer programs, shopping trips, and lunch). We arrive at the church with time to spare and find that the pastor has purchased and arranged on plates figs, dates, grapes and cherries; made hummus; put out bowls of crackers (two different kinds) and is only lacking napkins. I add my offering of melon and place the juice in the fridge to stay cool. I really need to learn how to read that man. Or he really needs to learn how to communicate with me.

Today Casey spent the
afternoon in the dentist
chair getting braces. She is thrilled.
Now that it is Friday, I'll guess today is the day you pump Casey full of tylenol. I'm still surprised that we torture our children like this!
We dosed her up before she got them on and again before her mother picked her up at day's end. She said she was feeling fine on Friday and didn't need anything. Guess we will wait until the first adjusting appointment to see how brave she is.
How are your braces doing? Still bothering you?
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