Spent four days at Issaquah in the School of Missions last week. This year we studied how music is/was affected/affective in the mission of the church (how missionaries of old would try to bring Christianity to the Heathen" using European style and wiping out the cultural songs). Now there is an actual study course you can take at college level on Ethnomusicology. That would be quite interesting if you were really into music.
The other course was on Israel-Palestine. Now I've got to admit, I was not "up" on what has been happening in the Holy Land. With the "giving" of land to the Jews after WWII through the 7 day war, I was all for the Jews - getting back the Promised Land, fulfillment of scripture, yada, yada, yada. Recently I read "Queen Noor" and heard how this land was given (taken from the Jordanians). This study told how the people living in Palestine were driven out and displaced (still are). Present day Israel was not just some vast area on uninhabited land waiting for its' "people" to return. There were people who had lived there for generations who all of a sudden were told to leave without any say or compensation for their land or goods. This is not fair. I can understand why there has been tension. And the US government is behind Israel and refuses to acknowledge Palestine even exists.
And then there is the issue of the WALL. Israel has constructed a 30' high wall supposedly along the "green line" (the border between Israel and Palestine). This wall of separation was to keep the Palestinian terrorists out of Israel. (Sound familiar?) Well, the wall is encroaching ever more into the Palestinian territory, taking olive groves, farmland, water sources and separating farmers from their lands, family units from each other. Checkpoints along the wall are manned by Israeli soldiers who determine if or if not you can cross from one side to the other. The oppressed Jews are now the oppressors. Not very fair in my mind.
So now I come to the "American Wall". This fantastic barrier that is supposed to keep the Mexicans out of the US. Guess what? Just as the US supported the Israeli government financially to build their wall of separation, so is the Israeli government going to support us. We are hiring their expertise. Can you believe that? Israel is going to build the wall for us. No bull. This wall is not going to help matters. Only make them worse. Did we learn nothing from the Berlin Wall? Even the Great Wall of China didn't keep out the invaders for ever.
I know now where Brian gets his passion. I just have mine down deeper - he brings is to the surface and lets it boil over more often.
Oh, Yeah. I finished Harry Potter. It was great. It ended as it should. Very just.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Got my birthday present yesterday. Aaron ordered the seventh Harry Potter book for me for my birthday, so I missed going to the parties, sob (like I would have been one of the crazies who stayed up till midnight only read all night long just to be the first to finish). lol The UPS man delivered it about 3pm and I dropped everything (well, I had "done" everything with my nervous energy - cleaning the fridge and behind, mopping floors, changing the sheets, doing up the wash, you get the idea) and started to read. I'm a slow reader. Got through chapter four and had to stop to fix dinner thinking that Hagrid died from a fall off his motor cycle (he doesn't wear a helmet). Chapter five he was only knocked out. Whew.
Today no Sunday paper was delivered. I think the paper deliver person misread the vacation hold. I stopped the paper beginning tomorrow. Oh, well. So I'm reading at the breakfast table. Off to church then a 'sew in" from 2-6 so my afternoon is non-reading time.
Monday we leave for a mission study in Issaquah. Jerry asked if I was going to take the book with me. Of course. I know that Sydney (the 9 year old) and Jessica (in Tel Aviv) will have finished the book during the week so I have to plug on or I'll not be able to enter into the conversations.
Today no Sunday paper was delivered. I think the paper deliver person misread the vacation hold. I stopped the paper beginning tomorrow. Oh, well. So I'm reading at the breakfast table. Off to church then a 'sew in" from 2-6 so my afternoon is non-reading time.
Monday we leave for a mission study in Issaquah. Jerry asked if I was going to take the book with me. Of course. I know that Sydney (the 9 year old) and Jessica (in Tel Aviv) will have finished the book during the week so I have to plug on or I'll not be able to enter into the conversations.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I need to chill
We have been attending the adult class in this year's VBS, Walking the Bible. Very interesting PBS offering in three easy to watch sessions. The churches combined this year to put on the VBS for the kids; splitting duties (song leaders, story tellers, snack preparers, and local) between the churches - one night per church. Since our church has no children, there was really no participation on the children's level, but we were still responsible for providing snacks last night. No committee formed, only a pastor who inquired, after the Monday night session, if I knew anything about what was being planned. That should have clued me in to the fact that "nothing" had been planned. I let it slide Tuesday, and on Wednesday called a couple of the other adult participants to see if they knew anything about it. I'm getting a bit panicky now, as the other churches have put on quite a spread and I know that these things take a bit of planning and shopping and work. I opt to dash off to the store and get some juice and a couple of melons hoping that others will bring some crackers or something. My mood darkens as the day progresses (helped by the duties of driving grandchildren to and from summer programs, shopping trips, and lunch). We arrive at the church with time to spare and find that the pastor has purchased and arranged on plates figs, dates, grapes and cherries; made hummus; put out bowls of crackers (two different kinds) and is only lacking napkins. I add my offering of melon and place the juice in the fridge to stay cool. I really need to learn how to read that man. Or he really needs to learn how to communicate with me. 
Today Casey spent the
afternoon in the dentist
chair getting braces. She is thrilled.

Today Casey spent the
afternoon in the dentist
chair getting braces. She is thrilled.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Simply Divine
As you know, I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance about two years ago. Since that time I have eaten NO ice cream, cheese, cream cheese, pudding, cottage cheese, cheese burgers, cheese cake, pumpkin pie made with milk (or any other great dessert made with milk or milk product). I have adjusted. I eat more fruit for my sweet tooth, but in the summer time truly miss ice cream.
Joy of joys. Rice Dream makes fake ice cream as does a company called Good Karma that puts out a product called Organic Rice Divine. I'm in heaven. Ate a pint of the Rice Divine last night. Wasn't too impressed with the Rice Dream product.
Joy of joys. Rice Dream makes fake ice cream as does a company called Good Karma that puts out a product called Organic Rice Divine. I'm in heaven. Ate a pint of the Rice Divine last night. Wasn't too impressed with the Rice Dream product.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
happy fourth
Monday, July 02, 2007

Jhary ever the competitor loves the sport and does quite will. Given the ball and with no giants towering over her she has a pretty good eye.

She can be a bit bossy as you can see, but she knows where people need to be.

They lost two games on Saturday so did not move on to the Sunday games.
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