Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday school

Next Sunday starts the resumption of Adult Sunday school for which I am the facilitator. I am not the teacher, as each adult in the class has something to teach. I only keep the class rolling. Ours is an eclectic group; retired accountant, retired teacher, retired business owner, and three special needs persons. I must say they are the most loyal of the group. They are always prepared for class. One does all the work on the assignment and is invaluable when the class slows; I can always count on him to give the "right" answer. But Ed is my favorite. I think he is autistic but can't be sure. He is a scruffy looking guy, wearing faded torn cloths most of the time. He follows what is going on in the class and knows his Bible, volunteering correct Bible verses in other books that "fit". This morning I passed him in the hall and said, "Next week starts Sunday School." He got the biggest grin on his face, his eyes lit up, he raised both hands and said, "Yeah!" Why wouldn't anyone enjoy leading a class when there are eager students in attendance?

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