Yesterday was lovely, not too hot, not too cool, no rain. So I decided to clean up the small bed in front of some shrubs at my front door. There had been a large, old, overgrown sick shrub there and the condo residents voted to remove it leaving a bare hole with the decorator rocks nearly all covered in soil. Simple solution to making it look fresh again was to remove the soil from the rock area and plant a heat loving ground cover/rock garden type plant. Did I say simple? So I got down on the ground and started removing the rocks, separating them from the soil they had rested in for many and many a year. Being as I am, unaccostomed to such activity, I could only work for 45 minutes before I would have to come in and rest my knees and back. It took four sessions of 30 to 45 minutes each. I'm talking a fairly small area here. Dig out rocks, scoop up dirt replace rocks, haul dirt away (thank you Jerry, I could not have lifted those buckets as easily as you did). But I did it and it's done and the portulaca (not sure of the spelling of that) I planted will soon fill the dirt hole that once housed a shrub.

Then I look to the other side of the entry way --- "that's not my chicken". BUT ... it would look so nice if that little triangle were all rocks or all grass. Take your pick. Right now it is rocks, grass, dirt and Thistles. It's only about four feet by three feet. I could do that in an hour. But not today.
Right now my sitting muscles are screaming every time I stand up. They did not like the kneeling position I took for those periods of time. (I finally resorded to just sitting and moving the rocks and dirt between splayed out legs - not very efficient.)
Today it is rainy and gray. Jhary's community had their annual BBQ. They moved it into the staff office. We went early, ate and came home so there would be room for other guests.
I try to get in one good project a day. That's about all I'm good for these days.
Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.
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