Sunday, December 31, 2006
Learning Curve
And now Jerry went out and got us each an IPod. The little instruction manual with it is less than a page and not all that helpful. We bought an "Ipods for dummies" book. Jessica is in town and will be able to help tomorrow. Until then I'll be reading and trying to comprehend what it is saying.
Brian says it's a snap and I shouldn't have any trouble doing it. He forgets this brain is older than his and it takes a while to get things to sink in.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
Yesterday, all the beautiful music at church. Lovely dinner with 1/2 of the family here. Opening of presents with some grand kids. Great evening service. Love all around.
Slept in this morning. Have the evening meal in the oven awaiting the other 1/2 of the family.
Jerry got me a new camera - 7.1 pixels, small, light weight. Great for upcoming travels. Down side - it doesn't take pictures through our dining room windows, so I have to use the old camera to take pictures of the birds at the bird feeder. Got a great shot of Marvin (on our table)watching a Flicker sitting on the fence outside.
I got Jerry a new DVD of "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." He was truly surprised with it. Seems his previous one "broke" - actually, I think he thought he was watching it too much and destroyed it.
Just talked to Robin. Her whole family is down with Strep. Ugh! What a way to spend Christmas.
Hope all is well in your part of the world. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
I used the iron on batting and didn't look at the back very closely. Stiched in the ditch on the cross wise sashings and discovered that I had a monsterous buckle in the back fabric. So out comes the ripper.
Jerry bought me a new camera for Christmas. I haven't loaded the software to download from it yet. I'll get to that after I finish ripping out the quilt.
I'm planning on going on a Mission trip to Korea in May. Sent in the down payment today. Will update you more as time draws near.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Cell Phones
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The lost is found
Friday, December 08, 2006
I know I had my car keys when I went out to the car because I opened the doors with the remote. I then put my keys in my pocket and used his keys to drive us to Genevieve's (Jerry doesn't like to drive unless absolutely necessary.)
It was a good thing that Jerry's duties got him home before me because when Genevieve dropped me back at home after the performance I had no keys. So I should pray to St. Anthony? Is he the one for lost items?
Seems to me there is this little ditty "Tony, Tony yada, yada, yada" . Oh, well. It is just inconvenient.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
More birds

The cats love to watch them. I couldn't get TJ to look out the window until I said "bird" it cat.

The sparrows have discovered the bird feeder. I fill it in the morning and by afternoon they have scarffed up two cups of seeds. We purchased a suet feeder today so that the larger flickers will have something to eat too. The sparrow either have not found it or don't like it.
Saturday, December 02, 2006

These birds are quite large for our feeder. Guess I'll have to get a bigger feeder for these bigger birds. But then I'll attract magpies and crows. MMMM better rethink that.

Friday, December 01, 2006
Time sure goes by when you're having fun
I started a quilt for Josh (see his cute little face in last weeks blog below). It's just a simple nine patch with fire helmets and dalmation dogs. I decided to put a fire related embrodery on all the connecting sashing squares. Had a great time picking them out & downloading them from the web. Figuring out where each would go. Deciding how to quilt the squares etc. I am on my final three embroidery squares and the fabric flips into the embroidery design and gets stitched in. Only someone who does machine embroidery would understand. Anyway, I stop the stitching when I discover it and commence to remove that square from the quilt. I'll redo the design, cut the square and reinsert it into the sashing. One more flame and a small fire truck and I can start looking for backing.
All this work because Josh's dad has applied to become a fire fighter. He is a member of the volunteer FD/Rescue Squad. For over three years he has dutifully taken every test they require from aptitude to physical. He has come out on top every time. Last year he was in the top ten. (They weren't hireing). This year he was at the top of the list and he was sure he was a shoo in. All the right hoops. He got his rejection letter two days after Thanksgiving. My theory is that he is either too old - 40 - or too white. I hope Josh will still like the quilt even tho his dad's not a firefighter.
Hope to get the tree up tomorrow. Have a dress to sew for Jhary and probably one for Uma too. But other than that I'm only sewing with the sewing group I've started at the church.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
End of the day

Had a wonderful afternoon with Jason, Tracie and their family.
Tracie is a great cook. We not only had turkey but she prepared a lovely ham, too. Thanks Tracie it was great.
This is a picture of Josh and Hailey wearing the PJ's & Nightgown I made from fabric I found in Hawaii. I guessed right on the sizes, whew.
I taught the kids how to play 9 up. I don't think we played enough hands for them to really get the strategy of the game. Oh, well. Next time.
Time for a nap.
Jhary spent the night last night. She is so quiet and doesn't need me to entertain her. We pick up Uma and Donald in about an hour. I'll take a pumpkin pie, a cherry pie, ice cream and almond roca (made with crackers - really quite good). I have always enjoyed going to Tracy's home as she is layed back and a fun person.
Listened to Christmas carols all morning. The season is upon us. Enjoy!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sunday already
Today we had our monthly Bonsai meeting. (We have to rush after church to get there.) They had a slide presentation of various Bonsai collections. Some in WA DC, Pennsylvania, Tailand and China. Every time they came to a Gingko they remarked about it. Guess I'm the only on in the group with one.
Yesterday was Red Hat Meeting. We had a lovely luncheon in the home of our Queen Emeritus and played bingo for a while. Came home to Uma trying to talk to Jerry. He figured out she was upset. I figured out it was because Donald had gone to a friends house and stayed the night. She didn't care for that. Because of the Apple Cup we were asked to babysit Jerry's granddaughters. They saw that I was making sleep wear for their cousins and decided that they wanted to sew some for themselves. I had enough flannel for one girl but not the other so we had to go to Joanns and get some more for Casey. She wanted border print like I found in Maui but we had none here in Spokane. We'll deal with it.
Friday I finally went to the Dr. about the itchyness in my eye. She determined that I did not pick up anything while in the crawl space but gave me a Rx just incase.
Thursday was Admin Board for the church. Had to leave early because with early dismissal at school for conferences, we have grandparent duty for a week. Hung the curtains I made of Casey's room. Went to see the Civic theatre's production of Mame.
Wednesday was sewing class, a performance by the Project Joy group I'm in and yoga. That makes for a very full day.
Tuesday I should have sewn but didn't. Met with the girls in my Spirituality Group. What a wonderful group. I'll tell you of them sometime.
Monday was our Evening Fellowship group (a small group of United Methodist Women). Since it was my turn for the Program, I invited Lynda Bowen my yoga instructor. We spent a heavenly 45 minuts learning relaxation tech. and giving mini massages to eachother. (I think that was a hit).
A week ago after church I attended the Interplayers production of Moon over Buffalo. A kick.
Gosh. I guess I have been busy.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
While down there I noticed that the gas furnace exhaust pipe was loose. I mean this pipe went to the exterior wall where there is another pipe of equal size going through the foundation. The two ends of the pipe are exactly the same size. How did anyone expect them to connect? There was NO coupling attached to either end. With my great knowledge of "this old house" episodes I trotted off to the Hardware store and explained my dilemma to the man and he fixed me up with a PVC coupler and some cement. Back down the hole and tried to glue the pieces together. Well, PVC and gas pipe, although each has a 3" opening are different thickness of pipe - PVC being much thicker. The fitting would not fit (too big). But I had already applied glue so couldn't take the fitting or the glue back. Second trip to the Hardware store, this time with the section of pipe that goes through the foundation (it slips in and out quite readily). "OH! You need this kind of coupler" says the woman who helped us - didn't see the guy around at all. Got the rubber sleeve with the strap around it that you have to screw to tighten and the tool (not a screwdriver like I have a dozen of at home, but a 5/16" wrench jobbi on a screwdriver handle).
Back down the hole. Fuss, fuss, fuss. Have to work over my head, everything by Braille as there are pipes going in front of my line of sight, but it is done. My dad would be so proud of me. It is now quite sturdy all the way back to the furnace. I even stuffed some insulation around the pipe to keep beasties out of the crawlspace.
Went to see Flushed Away yesterday. A great movie for kids (and kids at heart).
Saturday, November 04, 2006
computer woes
We have the most bad luck with computers. Jerry just bought a new lap top for Jessica in New York and Carrie as she is starting a PHd program soon and needed capacity, speed and reliability for her program. And then the computer we bought in January of 06 acts up.
I don't want to use the lap top as our "home" computer because it doesn't have spider solitair.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Busy Week
Thursday, October 26, 2006
More on Leaves
Sunday, October 22, 2006
The colors of the leaves are so great this year. I've been meaning to take my camera out every time I go and today I did.

A line of stately orange Maples.
A georgeous salmon maple.

A lovely deep red Maple. Such colors!

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Today I gave my Rainforest presentation to the second graders at St. Al's. It was great to see the teachers again. They have done some remodeling. What was once the stairwell going out to Mission Avenue has now been transformed into the main office/reception area. I only suggested that 12 years ago. The cogs of change move slowly. Do I miss work? Not on your life. I'm having too much fun playing.
Monday, October 16, 2006

While on Maui I purchased a Dwarf Schefflera.

Just a baby really, but she has a nice shape and could turn out to be quite fun. These two are tropicals and will need to stay in the house over the winter. The Ginkgo will have to stay outside all winter.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Gas Prices
"Friday, October 13, 2006
Spokane gas prices highest in lower 48
Only Honolulu gas prices higher!
"Fast fact:
Gas costs less in Des Moines. Spokane's price is almost 40 cents higher than the national average and far higher than gas costs in the cheapest city – Des Moines, Iowa, at $1.96 a gallon.
The average price for a gallon of regular unleaded in Spokane clocked in at $2.65. Only Honolulu's gas prices were higher, at $2.87."
That is no news to us. We have lived with $3.00 plus for so long that we are welcoming $2.65. While on Maui, I didn't flinch at the price at the pump. It was just like home. Well, they say that the prices are going to go back up after the election. What the *&%$ does the election have to do with gas prices? Do the incumbents force lower gas prices just to tell everyone how great they are and then let them pop back up after the votes are counted? Who makes these rules?
Have to go bake for a Tea Party tomorrow. I don't know the people so am not too hyped up. Guess I wouldn't make a good cafe owner (cause I want to know the people I'm serving).
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
New Baby born today
Monday, October 09, 2006

What a grand bird. Noisy but beautiful. Robin's neighbors have phesants. I think she should have peacocks. They make great watch fowl. See how he is watching me?

Saturday, October 07, 2006
Rummage sale
I like to participate because on Friday I get first dibbs on stuff. There was a delightful little dolly bassinet which is in need of some tightening up and a new lining. Should be a fun project. Hope to have it finished for the Bazaar.
Thursday, October 05, 2006

Had a wonderful time with the grandkids. From left to right, Shelby, Zack, me and Adam.
Isn't that a lovely quilt behind us?
This is Charlie the resident bird, trying to untie Jerry's shoe. Very tame bird but would have nothing to do with me. So I went out and found some that did.
This is a bird from a "bird show" in a park. They didn't perform for us but this one walked right up my arm and sat on my sholder for a while.
And then there was this 50 year old Cockatoo. He was a sweetheart. Wolf whistles. Kissy noises. Gentle massaging of my arm while I held him. If I could have I would have taken him home with me. All in all this was a great trip. The leg home was grueling but we live and learn. no more red eye specials.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
We're back
Monday, September 25, 2006
Maui here we come
Maui Tomorrow

I survived Wild Women's Weekend. Actually it was very relaxing and rejuvinating. I was with women who just wanted to have fun and learn about themselves. The Drum ceremony was awsome. As we gathered several flights of Canada geese flew over. The forest inhabitants feel the energy of the drum (or so I'm told). I tie dyed a shirt, went canoeing on the lake, played cards, and danced my little feet off.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wild Women's Weekend
Looking at the pictures of my nails I am noticing how old my fingers look. Well they are nearly 65. Old happens.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Beautiful Nails
Friday, September 15, 2006

On the other hand, here are a couple of pictures from my garden. The rose really is quite cute, small, gentle. See how tall my sunflowers are? They look great from the street.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Sewing class
Monday, September 11, 2006
Week ahead
Saturday, September 09, 2006
At the Fair

Casey did quite well with her pottery work, handmade doll, and costume (blue dress with vest). Remarks were about closer attention to detail.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Sewing Wednesday
I did get a bag finished. Spent a lot of time trying to find a tape measure, pin cushion, and empty bobbins. (I'll have to bring said supplies next week).
Monday, September 04, 2006
Summer's end
For years the ladies have meet weekly to sew things for our Bazaar. But of late their numbers have dwindled to a pathetic few (most cannot drive anymore and are too frail to hold a needle). Rather than let the room and machines go to waste, I have decided to keep it going (if only myself in attendance) and inviting the downtown, street/underpriviledged women to come in and use the area for projects. That starts Wednesday. Pray for me.

Sunflowers are starting to bloom. I love this one as it is being groomed by an industrious bee.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Sunday school
Monday, August 28, 2006
Winding down
Had a teeth cleaning appointment today. Why do I dread this so much? It doesn't hurt. The hygienist is very gentle (chatty but gentle). But I 'white knuckle' it every time. No cavities. Hooray.
A friend sent me a website in which you enter your name (or any name) and it finds people that match your search. There appears to be another Leonna Bowers in MO. What are the odds? Same spelling of both first and last. Wow. Then I looked for a former pastor in Hawaii. Left a message with my name while in Hawaii (he wouldn't recognize my current name) and soon received an email from a solicitor in Nigeria trying to "clear an account" of a deceased Chinese National. Hello. That message was immediately deleted.
Completed another little project to enter in the Fair. Have to get a couple more ready by the 5th of September. Piece of cake.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
It's all about Sydney

Being on the small side, she was most always in the front row.
I videoed the whole play (33 minutes) so didn't get any still shots of her on stage.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Cat Party plans
Next Thursday we will be having a Cat Party to celebrate the first anniversary of Ben Ben the cat adopting them. We are working on "Pin the Tail on the Cat" (I drew a cat & a separate tail); Catyatta (have to get a balloon and fashion something resembling a cat); we will have cupcakes decorated like a cat's face (haven't figured out how to do the ears yet but that will come), and maybe we will draw cats on the sidewalk. I'll take pictures next week.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I have also sent in my registration to the Inland Empire Bonsai Society. Maybe I have another way to keep busy (lol).
Thursday, August 10, 2006
In the mean time I am thinking "Why not just Bonsai the tree?" So, I went to the Library and picked up several books on the subject. Mine may not look as pretty as the ones in the books but it will still be mine and I'll grow it on my porch, in a pot where he has nothing to disagree or grumble about. I'll get that done before the meeting on Tuesday. Wish me luck on this project. I'll post pictures of the finished project.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Ginkgo is planted

I finally got the hole dug and my little plant in the ground.
You can see how much river rock is at the street side of the condo. Thats our place on the lower level.

I want to show you how my garden is growing. Those are sunflowers in front of the ugly gas meters.

The roses bloomed nicely once and have not been producing since.
It does look like a little secret garden tho, doesn't it?

Fast week
We had a broken sprinkler head that the repairman came to fix. I wanted to talk to him so I slipped on my clogs and walked across the river rock which covers a great deal of our street side property and stepped down a small incline of lava rock. Twisted my ankle just enough to be annoying. Also threw out my whole allignment. I can feel it as I lay down to relax and this sholder "yips" and that leg "yowls" and the middle of my back "growns". Ahh the fun of aging. One cannot just jump down a small rock incline like one could when but a child.
My swim group of ladies (8 of us) have been attending the Coeur d'Alene Summer Theatre this year. Our fourth and last gathering is tomorrow - "The King and I". We shall probably be comparing to the movie but still enjoying the event.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
humming birds
Check it out http://community-2.webtv/velpics/HUM/
Truly amazing shots.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Monday, July 24, 2006
Bats, Bats, Bats

Saturday evening we, Jerry, Sydney, Casey and I went to Deep Creek for the Parks Dept. presentation on bats. The girls were reluctant to go at first but were very enthralled when the biologists finally began catching and measuring the bats.
Here is one caught in a harp trap

These next two pictures are of the scientist measuring the ears and forearm bone for identification. Yes, they have sharp little teeth. No, we could not handle them, however, we were able to touch their wings and back while they were being securely held by the biologist.

All in all six species of bats were snagged in the nets - 20 in all - 19 males and 1 female. HMMM. Males like to party at night?
The girls are looking forward to next year's hunt.